Contrasting Dyslexia vs. Autism
Lieder, I., Adam, V., Frenkel O., Jaffe-Dax, S., Sahani, M., Ahissar, M. (2019). Perceptual bias reveals slow-updating in autism and fast-forgetting in dyslexia. Nature Neuroscience, 22(2), 256-264.
Vishne, G., Jacoby, N., Malinovitch, T., Epstein, T., Frenkel, O., Ahissar, M. (2021). Slow update of internal representations impedes synchronization in autism. Nature Communications, 12(1), 1-15.
Fast decay of perceptual memory trace in dyslexia
Kimel, E., Weiss, A. H., Jakoby, H., Daikhin, L., & Ahissar, M. (2020). Short-term memory capacity and sensitivity to language statistics in dyslexia and among musicians. Neuropsychologia, 149, 107624.
Gertsovski, A., & Ahissar, M. (2022). Reduced learning of sound categories in dyslexia is associated with reduced regularity-induced auditory cortex adaptation. Journal of Neuroscience, 42(7), 1328-1342.
Kimel, E., Lieder, I., & Ahissar, M. (2022). Repeated series learning revisited with a novel prediction on the reduced effect of item frequency in dyslexia. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 13521.
Gertsovski, A., Guri, O., & Ahissar, M. (2024). Reduced categorical learning of faces in dyslexia. Cortex.
Kimel, E., Daikhin, L., Jakoby, H., & Ahissar, M. (2024). Reduced benefit from long-term item frequency contributes to short-term memory deficits in dyslexia. Memory & Cognition, 1-13.
Slow update of internal representations in autism
Kasten, K., Jacoby, N., & Ahissar, M. (2023). Poor synchronization yet adequate tempo‐keeping in adults with autism. Autism Research.
The influence of feedback on bias
Loewenstein, Y., Raviv, O., & Ahissar, M. (2021). Dissecting the roles of supervised and unsupervised learning in perceptual discrimination judgments. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(4), 757-765.
Open access link:
Working Memory
Malinovitch, T., Jakoby, H., & Ahissar, M. (2021). Training-induced improvement in working memory tasks results from switching to efficient strategies. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 28(2), 526-536.
Malinovitch, T., Albouy, P., Zatorre, R. J., & Ahissar, M. (2023). Training allows switching from limited-capacity manipulations to large-capacity perceptual processing. Cerebral Cortex, 33(5), 1826-1842.
Top-down and bottom-up contributions to recency bias
Lieder, I., Sulem, A., Ahissar, M. (2024). Frequency-Specific Contributions to Auditory Perceptual Priors: Testing the Predictive-Coding Hypothesis. iScience, 108946, ISSN 2589-0042.